About the Kishu theater troupe
Formed in May, Heisei 13 (2001)
Shojiro Ichikawa, a former Shochiku Entertainment actor, wants to pass on the charm of historical drama acting to the young generation so they can inherit his burning passion for learning. Shojiro Ichikawa thus created the theater “Suwan Edomura” for them.
Since the troupe was formed, lots of different artists have joined, including actors, singers, and comedians.
After touring Japan together with Enka singer Miyama Hiroshi and performing on big stages like the Kyoto Kabukijo and the Nagoya Meitetsu Hall turned out to be a great success, the current Kishu theater troupe was established.
また「百回の稽古より一回の本番」の考えのもと、連日『芸道場 すわん江戸村』にて、稽古、本番、稽古と重ねています。あくまで『すわん江戸村』での公演は「稽古」の一環であり、そこで培ったものを、全国の市民会館や文化会館等で「本公演」として披露するというスタイルをとっています